School Food Matters campaigns for fresh, sustainable school meals and delivers food education programmes to get children cooking, growing and out onto a farm. We have been working with them since 2017 and within that time have created fantastic projects.

There is a demand within the food industry for new talent, while there is a high unemployment rate in Ealing amongst young people. The Belazu Foundation and School Food Matters launched Fresh Enterprise, which shows Ealing students possible careers in the food industry. The students came to Belazu for a factory tour and business workshops, before learning how to create a product from inception to execution. At the end of the activities, the students created a recipe to fit within Belazu’s range of Mediterranean pastes. These pastes are now for sale with 100% of the proceeds supporting the next Fresh Enterprise project.
According to the latest figures provided by the charity Feeding Britain over 3 million children in the UK are at risk of hunger during the summer holidays. Since 2017, the Belazu Foundation and School Food Matters have organised the Food and Fun Club, which is a holiday hunger provisions programme. The activities range from arts and crafts to gardening, cooking and sports, which are enjoyed during the morning followed by a hot, healthy lunch for 52 local children during the summer holidays.