Posted by Kalisha Nurse-Warner on 2023-04-26
When our founder, George, tried his first Provençal olive at a French farmers’ market in 1991, he boldly decided to bring them back to England to supply passionate chefs, and a rich partnership was born. Ever since, they have been a staple of the most revered restaurants in the UK. Just over 30 years later, now supplying nearly 500 ingredients, we still make sure those olives and all our trusted ingredients are available for chefs, food lovers and friends to enjoy.

Our olive green is gone, and we’ve returned to “beautiful blue”. Crafted from a medley of French, Italian, and Spanish words- ‘Bel Azur’, ‘Bel Azzurro’, and ‘Bonito Azul’- which translate to ‘beautiful blue’. Our name holds lots of sentiment for us and reminds us of those beautiful waters and skies from our founder’s first travels, in search of the finest ingredients.

Whilst our look has become brighter and bolder and we’ve lost a couple of words from our name, nothing else has changed. All these years later, we’re still on a journey, obsessively searching for exceptional chef-grade ingredients that inspire you. It’s our passion.

Whether it’s a dollop of one of our cooking pastes or a drizzle of one of our oils, we’re always here to support you on your cooking journey and help you to create dishes that are full of flavour.

As a B-Corp company, we want to minimise waste, so our changeover will take a little bit longer than usual and we will be introducing our new branding in stages. Soon, you’ll see the new packaging filtering into the shops and in your web orders, so keep an eye out and when you do see them, tag us at #brandnewbelazu.